
Showing posts from May, 2019

Education is the only tool to transform the country

“ Education is the only tool to transform the country ” Every alternate government experiments with the education system. Its situation is similar to a rat over which drug is tested several times. Every citizen of this country claims himself to be an educational leader, motivational guru and (uncertified) counselor. Presently, there is lot of hue and cry about skill development and vocational education. Thank God, off late but authorities rose from slumber. Perhaps, it is a boomerang. I wonder why to make the system so perplexed that everyone associated with this industry is baffled. It is absolutely like an old wine in new bottle. This reminds me of ancient pre-historic time education system of Gurukuls. If we run down our memory lane, the primitive education system of India was unparalleled. Go back to the period of Kings Dynasty, where every child willing to study including royal kids were sent to gurukuls to seek education. Purpose of education was to transform the p

Vision of a school leader

A principal with right vision does the following things: 1.attracts commitment and energizes people, 2.creates meaning in workers' lives, 3.establishes a standard of excellence, 4.bridges the present to the future, and 5. Leads by example A visionary,  committed to task , A guide , reachable, ready to take accountability, except the views , motivator, should know the best of each teacher, should provide opportunity, A leader is the one who creates other leaders , set up positive  examples. Vision to understand collective inquiry,action orientation and experimentation, should think about results and  orientation and very important  continuous improvement through previous learning experiences.Adaptive and Natural. [Hello mam the very first thing I noted after reading your viewpoint that you people haven't got the principal as a human being first the down to earth personality I am surprised but believe in me I am such a kind. If any teacher comes to me in my office I first


ENHANCING LIFE SKILLS As stated by WHO, life skills are defined as “abilities for adaptive and a positive behaviour that enable individuals to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life.” Life skills helps individuals to make decisions in life. It’s knowledge enhances feel good, efficacy, self esteem & self confidence. Its development offers a holistic framework for preparing adolescents for livelihood, to face their daily challenges. These are a group of psycho-social competencies and interpersonal skills that help people make informed decisions, communicate effectively and develop coping and self management skills to lead a healthy and productive life. They enable us to translate knowledge, attitude and values into actual abilities by helping us decide what to do, when to do and how to do it. Core Life Skills 1) Self-awareness : recognition of 'self, our character, our strengths and weaknesses, desires, likes and dislikes, and

Solo Time – The best way to inculcate Reading Skills.

Solo Time – The best way to inculcate Reading Skills. Reading is one of the four essential skills of learning a language; the remaining three are listening, writing and speaking (LSRW). Our language enrichment activities are planned and designed to inculcate all these four skills in students since their formative years. CBSE has made Assessment of Speaking and Listening (ASL) as mandatory enrichment activity to be conducted twice an academic year in each of the language studied by the child during the course of study. Despite of all our rigorous efforts, strategic planning, integrated blended lesson plans and day & night of hard work to improve & infuse these skills of language in our children, unfortunately somewhere we still lack to enhance reading skills effectively. In my day today interaction with students, when I asked a student of grade 6 to read today’s news headlines in the assembly, he was so nervous. I thought maybe it is because of the stage fear the


USE OF AI IN SCHOOLS TO AUTOMATE ROUTINE TEACHER ACTIVITIES AND EFFECTIVE PERSONALISATION OF EDUCATION TO EVERY CHILD While the debate regarding how much screen time is appropriate for children rages on among educators, psychologists, and parents, it’s another emerging technology in the form of Artificalinteigence and machine learning that is beginning to alter education tools and institutions and changing what the future might look like in education. Teacher and AI collaboration AI has already been applied to education primarily in some tools that help develop skills and testing systems. As AI educational solutions continue to mature, the hope is that AI can help fill needs gaps in learning and teaching and allow schools and teachers to do more than ever before. AI can drive efficiency, personalization and streamline admin tasks to allow teachers the time and freedom to provide understanding and adaptability—uniquely human capabilities where machines would struggle. B

My Experience of PHOBIA

My Experience of PHOBIA I am a Senior Secondary School teacher. A student of class 12 (Science) of my Section, (Session 2018-19) SWATI BHUPE (changed name) was good at studies till class 11th. She was persuing her studies with PCM. In the month of April 2018, her attendence in the class was as required i.e. 75%, slowly by May 2018, it started reducing and it reduced by and by when enquired, parents told about her, not keeping well ,  When she came to school one day, I tried to talk to her, for some time she was normal, then her flood pressure suddenly shooted down and she fell down in the medical room. At times she used to hold my, Saree, pleading not to leave her alone. I found it alarming. Then, when called , their parents said that she is undergoing treatment of STRESS. I went to her house several times, sometimes found her talking normal, sometimes presuming that she is  sleeping & do not want to talk. When talked to the doctor & counselor to whom she was subje

Meditation: The Science of Being “Actively Calm”

Meditation: The Science of Being “Actively Calm” You cannot buy peace; you must know how to manufacture it within, in the stillness of your daily practices in meditation. Everything in the phenomenal world displays activity and changefulness, but tranquility is the nature of God. Man as a soul has within himself that same nature of calmness. When in his consciousness he can level and still the three mental states of upheaval—the waves of sorrow and gladness and the dips of indifference between them—he perceives within himself the placid ocean of spiritual soul-calmness expanding into the boundless sea of tranquility in Spirit. To meditate is to be actively calm... Meditation is “active calmness.” Passive calmness, as in sleep or idle daydreaming, is essentially different from active calmness—the positive state of peace found in scientific meditation. Every night in sleep you have a taste of peace and joy. While you are in deep slumber, God makes you live in the tranquil super

Meditation is the most practical science...

Meditation is the most practical science... Meditation is the science of God-realization. It is the most practical science in the world.3 Most people would want to meditate if they understood its value and experienced its beneficial effects. The ultimate object of meditation is to attain conscious awareness of God, and of the soul’s eternal oneness with Him. What achievement could be more purposeful and useful than to harness limited human faculties to the omnipresence and omnipotence of the Creator? God-realization bestows on the meditator the blessings of the Lord’s peace, love, joy, power, and wisdom. Meditation utilises concentration in its highest form. Concentration consists in freeing the attention from distractions and in focusing it on any thought in which one may be interested.Meditation is that special form of concentration in which the attention has been liberated from restlessness and is focused on God. Meditation, therefore, is concentration used to know God.

Functional Fixedness

Functional Fixedness Functional fixedness is a cognitive bias that limits a person to using an object only in the way it is traditionally used. The concept of functional fixedness originated in Gestalt Psychology. Psychology, a movement in psychology that emphasizes holistic processing. Karl Duncker defined functional fixedness as being a "mental block against using an object in a new way that is required to solve a problem." (Duncker, 1945) This "block" limits the ability of an individual to use components given to them to complete a task, as they cannot move past the original purpose of those components. For example, if someone needs a paperweight, but they only have a hammer, they may not see how the hammer can be used as a paperweight. This inability to see a hammer's use as anything other than for pounding nails, is functional fixedness. The person couldn't think to use the hammer in a way other than in its conventional function. When tested

Information processing in learning and memory

Information processing in learning and memory Information processing is the change (processing) of information in any manner detectable by an observer. As such, it is a process that describes everything that happens (changes) in the universe, from the falling of a rock (a change in position) to the printing of a text file from a digital computer system. In the latter case, an information processor is changing the form of presentation of that text file. Information processing may more specifically be defined in terms used by Claude E. Shannon as the conversion of latent information into manifest information[citation needed]. Latent and manifest information is defined through the terms of equivocation (remaining uncertainty, what value the sender has actually chosen), dissipation (uncertainty of the sender what the receiver has actually received), and transformation (saved effort of questioning - equivocation minus dissipation) In cognitive psychology Within the field of co

Alzheimer 's Disease (AD)

Alzheimer 's Disease (AD) Alzheimer's disease (AD), also known in medical literature as Alzheimer disease, is the most common form of dementia. There is no cure for the disease, which worsens as it progresses, and eventually leads to death. It was first described by German psychiatrist and neuropathology’s Alois Alzheimer in 1906 and was named after him. Most often, AD is diagnosed in people over 65 years of age, although the less-prevalent early-onset Alzheimer's can occur much earlier. In 2006, there were 26.6 million sufferers worldwide. Alzheimer's is predicted to affect 1 in 85 people globally by 2050. Although Alzheimer's disease develops differently for every individual, there are many common symptoms. Early symptoms are often mistakenly thought to be 'age-related' concerns, or manifestations of stress. In the early stages, the most common symptom is difficulty in remembering recent events.When AD is suspected, the diagnosis is usually c


ENHANCING COLLABORATION WITH VIRTUAL REALITY VR  can deliver incredible experiences that were previously impossible ,primarily due to technological limitation .with the latest advancements in gpu displays and reasonably is gradually becoming the pinnacle of human computer interfaces -far outshining the good . Why educators love VR? Einstein said imagination is more important than knowledge and it is more visual than ever so helps student to expand their ads feeling more effectively and feeling goes deep inside to mind.learning  with vr increases interaction of teacher with student. Why Virtual reality is necessity of schools in 2019? our daily activities are not same as it was 5 years ago ,not to mention that the rapid changes in this world is hard to think of it we go in the first decade of the 21st century when internet and smart phone has limited use .the benefits of advanced technology and the gadgets that we can use in education is limitle