VR  can deliver incredible experiences that were previously impossible ,primarily due to technological limitation .with the latest advancements in gpu displays and reasonably small.it is gradually becoming the pinnacle of human computer interfaces -far outshining the good .
Why educators love VR?
Einstein said imagination is more important than knowledge and it is more visual than ever so helps student to expand their imagination.it ads feeling more effectively and feeling goes deep inside to mind.learning  with vr increases interaction of teacher with student.
Why Virtual reality is necessity of schools in 2019?
our daily activities are not same as it was 5 years ago ,not to mention that the rapid changes in this world is hard to think of it we go in the first decade of the 21st century when internet and smart phone has limited use .the benefits of advanced technology and the gadgets that we can use in education is limitless. Virtual reality and three dimensional image or enviorment are new dimensions in education.simulation or virtual lab are expanding teachers reach without adding so much expense.the illusionary world in vr are reality for students in learning the world wothout going outside the classroom.
Uses of Virtual reality in education
Century ago it wasproved accepted that student comprehends more what they have live then they are taught,practical experience of doing is real learning way,,but it was impratical in each case,it was expensive too,it was taking toomuch time and it has risk in some cases.but virtual reality enables learning through living,removing all these hurdles.virtual reality gives the real experience and feeling to students for all experiments,all activities teacher andeducatorsalways wanted to get permored from students.
There are always some concepts which educators find hard to elaborate.Virtual reality simplify the difficulty in comprehending what they are taught thus helpboost up their overall grades.


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