Vision of a school leader

A principal with right vision does the following things:

1.attracts commitment and energizes people,
2.creates meaning in workers' lives,
3.establishes a standard of excellence,
4.bridges the present to the future, and
5. Leads by example

A visionary,  committed to task , A guide , reachable, ready to take accountability, except the views , motivator, should know the best of each teacher, should provide opportunity, A leader is the one who creates other leaders , set up positive  examples. Vision to understand collective inquiry,action orientation and experimentation, should think about results and  orientation and very important  continuous improvement through previous learning experiences.Adaptive and Natural.

[Hello mam the very first thing I noted after reading your viewpoint that you people haven't got the principal as a human being first the down to earth personality I am surprised but believe in me I am such a kind.

If any teacher comes to me in my office I first offer the seat then only listen to what is important and moreover do praise them often even in the assembly but you won't believe wherever I go they consider that I am not that strict where I should be with everyone treating like I am on the chair and they are subordinates band I do consider them all my strongest team ever.

For me vision,
The greatest rise of quality discipline ethics and human factor in every individual of the institute with the flare for learning and experiencing everytime. A dream... still allow you to sleep is not of its nature. But not to allow you to sleep...its nature.]

Nature of dream. Dream is the birth place of vision. N thoughts may visit to our mind and only one thought of our own dissolves in our every construction of of body, mind and soul. That's vision. Visiting thoughts are not visions.

Goals of Institutions may differ from the vision of an individual. Sometimes mismatch with it. But step is to match it. It's is our first vision.

Absolutely - Clear vision and mission of every institution should be instilled in each person working together.
It is a common goal first and then their own goals linked to it.

Vision is always for betterment only......Transforming a school is a long, hard, and often lonely( most of the time I think) task. Some people want change, others don’t, and some simply aren’t prepared to wait for results to show. As a school leader sets off on this journey, how do they know what to do, when to do it, who to listen to, and how to manage critics along the way?

[According to me my vision for my school is that , each student succeeds . The commitment of our staff is  to support each student to achieve their goals .
I believe that the more stundents interact n get connected with adults in our  school , the greater likelihood of their success.  All staff working together in professional learning community .

Acc. to me vision is......
1....The school must achieve the heights......
2....our students should be fluent in all the languages......they should be good human being.....
3....We must have the good number of admissions.....
4.....Whoever enters in the campus, must be happy i.e students, parents, teachers etc...

As a teacher I have seen and experienced such visionaries who developed me to a successful teacher who provided space to grow and be a missionary of student development. I follow such principles in my life as a principal.]

An educational leader need to have ceaseless striving for the quest of Truth and build the trust among the team members. Often Truth gets hidden by the cloud of personal biases and spin. This spin spoils the trust. Team building based on quest for Truth remains trustworthy to each other. Building this kind of team is the fundamental to any institution be it an academic institution. The effective educational leader must never stop acquiring knowledge; the principal must use that knowledge with a variety of skills to create the conditions for learning; and the effective educational leader must embody a diverse set of qualities so that his vision is inclusive and attainable. Effective educational leadership starts with a wide-ranging knowledge.

Vision of the principal is primarily to implement the mission of the institution with optimistic and pragmatic ways to channelize resources to stakeholders. Principal is responsible for the long and medium plan implementation of goals and as a visionary to convert goals in to healthy habits of the institution. Vision of next generation needs and optimizing multidimensional modules to the team in positive vibes.

Vision of a School , means what is the expected position, Role and Place the School should be holding in the field of Education and the Community which needs to meet the parameters of a Smart Goal. Then, Coming to Vision of a Principal should be in line with the same, or if he is the one working on very defining it, then he/she needs to have wider perspective of Global Requirements in the process of grooming future world citizens, take into account the basic Value system he would like to ensure amongst the students of his school and finally for what he wants his School to be remembered by the world around in the long run. Vision thus set, should be vivid enough to set a clear Mission, and the short term goals which should be consistently in line with the above.

Vision is always for betterment only......Transforming a school is a long, hard, and often lonely( most of the time I think) task. Some people want change, others don’t, and some simply aren’t prepared to wait for results to show. As a school leader sets off on this journey, how do they know what to do, when to do it, who to listen to, and how to manage critics along the way?

A leader without a vision -
carries no mission; brings no clarity; accepts no suggestions though takes some for formality; explains nothing to anyone as both ignorance and ego rule him/her; when questioned takes things to higher authorities but can't deal it by himself or herself; hidden immaturity takes control over him or her; appreciates the undeserved but the truth is misconstrued; tarries and ponders for ways to put some in the team to blame.

A living vision of a school principal is not a statement, it is mentoring someone by his state of living even after his no existence. The school vision should be a part and parcel of everybody who is associated with the school.

In fact the ideals the values the culture of the school should echo the vision of the school. He or she may move from one place to another but still his mission works in the heart of everyone worked with him. He or she doesn't care what the circumstances of the students are under his care—where they are from, their home life and environment, he has to see success in them, he  have to envision excellence in them.

Learning outcome of a school leader vision.

The principal and his team have to realise that the impact the teachers and school through their vision have  on the children are going to last in the lifes. A leader of the school should be revisiting the school vision every year taking the stakeholders into confidence.

Each and every interaction with parents teacherd and students should serve as an opportunity to highlight where the school is headed towards.

A Principal creates ,develops and crystallizes the vision of the school.Vision of the school must be in same line with the vision of each entity in school system.

To transform the young , innocent kids into a self reliant balanced citizen who can lead his life with all ethical values ,virtues and patriotism.

To give the best quality education to students with the sufficient involvement of parents in school activities.

To assure each child's compulsory participation in each activity inside school campus.

To assure holistic development of each child and to transform the child in an all-rounder along with his latent talent bringing on the surface.

During admission, parents generally ask a question what is your school's vision. Leaders say the the expected answers of parents  challenging all students to achieve high levels of success.

Parents expect the same. But is it a vision. Another words...Every teacher must see the unique potential of each student and must be committed in bringing out this potential.

A leader's vision should have the students to  develop a vision first for themselves and transforming their attitudes, taking ownership of the vision.

The rest—the test marks  and achievement in exams and job opportunities—will take care of themselves."

Missionary and visionary.

Leaders are visionaries and subordinates are missionaries.

In a team there should not be more visionaries.

A true vision is like a bullet that pierce the ears and enters into the heart and fired up like a huge explosion in the mind of the reader or listener forever and ever.

Is there any school in our country without Principlal leadership?

There one can realise the vision. So simple parameter to assess a school.
He wants to teach the basics of success.
In our name board visionary principals replaces prime servant from Principal.

The visionary principal must be constantly "taking the pulse" of the school community.


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