Meditation: The Science of Being “Actively Calm”

Meditation: The Science of Being “Actively Calm”
You cannot buy peace; you must know how to manufacture it within, in the stillness of your daily practices in meditation. Everything in the phenomenal world displays activity and changefulness, but tranquility is the nature of God. Man as a soul has within himself that same nature of calmness. When in his consciousness he can level and still the three mental states of upheaval—the waves of sorrow and gladness and the dips of indifference between them—he perceives within himself the placid ocean of spiritual soul-calmness expanding into the boundless sea of tranquility in Spirit.
To meditate is to be actively calm... Meditation is “active calmness.” Passive calmness, as in sleep or idle daydreaming, is essentially different from active calmness—the positive state of peace found in scientific meditation. Every night in sleep you have a taste of peace and joy. While you are in deep slumber, God makes you live in the tranquil super consciousness, in which all the fears and worries of this existence are forgotten. By meditation you can experience that holy state of mind when you are awake, and be constantly immersed in healing peace.Though you may be able to perform great worldly feats, you never will know joy equal to that which comes through meditation, when the thoughts are silent and your mind is tuned to the peace of God.
Meditation opens wide all the closed inner doors of your body, mind, and soul to admit the surge of God’s power. Your whole body and entire being changes when you practice meditation regularly. Contact with God brings inner harmony into your life as you merge with His peace. But you must meditate earnestly, consistently, and continually to realise fully the rewarding effects of that Supreme Force.
The ordinary man is all the time restless. When he begins to practice meditation, he is once in a while calm, most of the time restless. As he meditates more deeply, he becomes half the time calm, half the time restless. With longer, faithful practice, he is most of the time calm, and only once in a while restless. As he perseveres, he reaches the state wherein he is always calm, never restless. Where motion ceases, God begins.
The psychology of calmness... If you place a pot of water under the rays of the moon and then agitate the water, you create a distorted reflection of the moon. When you still the waves in the pot, the reflection becomes clear. The time when the water in the pot is quiet and clearly reflecting the moon, is comparable to the meditative state of peace, and the still deeper state of calmness. In the peace of meditation all waves of sensations and thoughts are absent from the mind. In the deeper state of calmness,one perceives in that stillness the moonèd reflection of God’s presence. As meditative peace deepens into calmness and the ultimate positive state of bliss, the meditator experiences a joy that is ever new and all-satisfying.
Real unending joy lies in attuning the consciousness to its true, ever calm soul nature by meditation, and in thus preventing the mind from riding on the crests of sorrow and happiness or from sinking into the depths of indifference.Plunge into the inner silence again and again by practicing the methods of concentration and meditation I have given you, and you will find great peace and happiness.
The first proof of God’s presence is an ineffable peace. This evolves into joy humanly inconceivable.Once you have touched the Source of truth and life, all nature will respond to you. Finding God within, you will find Him without, in all people and all conditions.


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