Let's have a discussion on 

• Moderator: Ms. Leena Rai Kalra, Principal, Leader - UN Volunteers.

A strange strategy for Learning. It is a bonding with the learning children.

Today's deal: Concept of PAIRING and SHARING

¶ Azeez: Students think through questions using three distinct steps:

• Think: Students think independently about the question that has been posed, forming ideas of their own.

• Pair: Students are grouped in pairs to discuss their thoughts. This step allows students to articulate their ideas and to consider those of others.

• Share: Student pairs share their ideas with a larger group, such as the whole class. Often, students are more comfortable presenting ideas to a group with the support of a partner. In addition, students' ideas have become more refined through this three-step process

Sharing and caring exist where materials are not involved. 

It goes on exchanging thoughts, KL, happiness, sadness and other feelings.

Importance of Pairing and sharing

The think, pair, share strategy increases the kinds of personal communications that are necessary for students to internally process, organize, and retain ideas.

In sharing their ideas, students take ownership of their learning and negotiate meanings rather than rely solely on the teacher's authority.

• Additional benefits of using the think, pair, share strategy include:

• The positive changes in students' 
self-esteem  that occur when they listen to one another and respect others' ideas. 

• Students have the opportunity to learn higher-level thinking skills from their peers, gain the extra time or prompting they may need, and gain confidence when reporting ideas to the whole class.

• The "pair" step of the strategy ensures that no student is left out of the discussion. Even a student who is uncomfortable discussing his or her ideas with the whole class still has an audience in this step. 

• This strategy may appear to be time-consuming, it makes classroom discussions more productive, as students have already had an opportunity to think about their ideas before plunging into whole-class conversations.

Implimentation of Pairing and sharing in classrooms

• Teacher should provide a question or problem to Students and wait for their responses.

• The "think" step may require students merely to be quiet for a few moments and ponder their thoughts about the question. They may write some thoughts in response to the question.

Some teachers find it helpful to set a time limit for the "think" and "pair" steps of the strategy. 

If you choose to do this, be sure to give students an idea of how much time they will have. 

• Remember to allow sufficient time during the "pair" step to allow both students to talk about their thoughts.

• In the "share" step of the strategy, students can share their ideas in several ways. 

One way is to have all students stand, and after each student responds, he or she sits down, as does any student with a similar response. 

This continues until everyone is seated. Another way is to move quickly through the class, having students respond quickly, one after the other, or to have a class vote. 

• Responses can be recorded on an overhead projector or on a graphic organizer for future discussions. 

• Another variation is to stop after the "pair" step, and have students write their ideas. 

• Collect students' responses and assess any problems in understanding.

¶ Mrs. Buvana: Sharing and caring must for good relationship also....eventhough covid 19 pandemic time  physical sharing is avoidable....But caring is possible without physical tough....your words are more caring than rest caring during this pandemic time more important.....sharing of knowledge is also best way to caring only....Pairing the caring and sharing is two sides of coins..

¶ Mrs. Madhumita Jana: "Pairing and Sharing " is a beautiful learning strategy where students work together to solve a problem, perform any assignment or do some research work. 

Pairing could be with another student or a small group also. In this method students share their ideas with their partner and later share it in the class discussion or presentation as one team. The pairing and sharing concept enables individual student to think better and perform better. .
This kind of synergism helps the parters to compliment each other's effort , channeling in one direction to achieve the given Target with their individual potential and ultimately as one piece of task.

In today's context of predominance towards Nuclear family system, focussing on learning through Pairing will definitely help in attaining the most important qualities like sharing risks, care and love for others and the joy of winning together.

¶ Azeez: Remember back to a time when we were a fresh-faced school student just entering senior faculty members as our teachers now, don't we get frightened?, with hopes, dreams, a mountain of debt and this naive notion that we could break the record such as first in school, Dist, State..... ?

But all these things could be possible with variety of learning techniques taught by your teachers or your peer pairs in your school or next door or same village or relatives.....

At present education is not for teaching, it is for learning. As a learner we must have come across many learning techniques which we may have forgotten, used for solving problems or memorizing a specific question-answer......, still we may not have forgotten a special technique used for learning knowingly or unknowingly......that is, I am sure, the technique pairing and sharing.

This is our question here, and we ask you to share here.

Now we as teachers, When students are in the midst of learning sometimes we need them to focus on what it all means.  

Using this teaching strategy will help your students to connect new ideas to old ideas.  

Students connect what they are learning to previous learning, identify how their understanding has changed and explore ideas they still have questions about.

This idea of getting you to reflect on learning is an important task that we can now include in our student conferences as well as our science and social studies units specially.  

This way, Students identify the learning goal, and what they know about it before learning.  After some new knowledge has been gained students reflect on what they have learned and show that they have learned it through this. And this is a chain process, easy to re prepare or revise....


  1. Good afternoon everyone. I'm poomalar from Tamilnadu.
    Well, discussion, Mam. My ideas for pairing and sharing are two sides of coins. When the students discuss their ideas to promote their self-confidence and self-esteem. It develops next to their career and they overcome problems etc. Pairing and sharing are the best way to relaxing their
    minds. And communicating with each other.


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