The system of Education is running after marks and grades

• Mrs. Saji Thankappan Head UNW: The Indian system of running after marks and grades which marks a kid's quality has to be abolished totally...
Make them smart to stand on their own face failure with a strong heart and success with a humble heart ,to respect all jobs in life and above all to be a human learn to smile through adversaries.
• Mrs. Archana UNV: Comparison of any form between kids and humans should be abolished.  Every one has their own growth rate and each of us grow as per that. Flowers bloom at their own times, we don’t compare a lotus with a rose - both are beautiful but one grows with thorns and other blooms in mud.
• AZEEZ: Marks are awarded for work done. And grades are for the values which the child inculcated through work done.
Both are necessary for assessment in Education and without which it is impossible to sum up or come to an end as Education is an neverending process.
• Mrs. Durga Nair UNV: Comparison becomes the fashion of this scenario. Appreciating the talents and nature of individuals have become depreciated nowadays
• Mrs. Saji Thankappan UNW: If it is done with true sincerity at heart.....
appreciable. Governments are running Helter skelter to project their schools. I know personally teachers who blindly give both to keep up their image.... Really feel sad about the whole system.
• AZEEZ: Comparison for physical measurement is very necessary. Because all measurements are by comparing one another and concluding it on how many times.
Here to whom we are comparing matters. Whether the comparison is made with a standard units count here.
And absolutely NO to mental comparisons and skills comparison. Because these are natural and gifted by God which is abundant and not measurable and comparable.
• Mrs. Saji Thankappan UNW: Groom up a child with his mental , physical and intelligent skills. It has to be a continuous process from the Kg to wherever he reaches...We have started in our school keeping a file for a kid which will be maintained till he leaves school.
• Mrs. Sabural Banu Pri UNV: True...Even educated parents do not analyse on many occasions to cooperate with the system of whole some education. We conduct orientation for the parents too to be more analytical towards child's education. We prepare indicators in such a way that the children work with academics with better understanding quotient and to be correlative with day today happenings, where they find solutions independently
• AZEEZ: Measurement is inevitable. We use various types of measurements for various quantities. Then why not measurements in Education?.
If our preachings are true to the means, certainly it could have been existed some part of the world.
We can convince ourselves that Education inculcates values, which is quality, and not measurable.
Therefore for the measurement of quality we have assessments and for the quantity measurement we have evaluation system.
Here our problem is differentiating evaluation from assessment. That's the biggest problem in our country.
• AZEEZ: Now our question is how to differentiate evaluation from assessment.
Where to apply evaluation and where to apply assessment.
Evaluation is for the total measurement of quantity, that's the work done took place in classrooms, that's the process of teaching and learning. Whereas, assessment is the measurement of quality, that's what implications due to Education.
This differences may help us to solve our major problems in our Educational system.
These measurements are time tested and followed by all systems of Education in the world. We can't be separate us from the existing methods of measurements by abolishing the methods.
• Mrs. Sunita Yadav UNV: We can't go ahead with our own decision, we've  to follow our mandatory system of the education. Only can hope for the best.
• Mrs. Annapoorni Balan UNV:  Yes, We all say and preach so many things, but in reality it's not implemented nor followed religiously, that's what I felt, it's a good suggestion and should be implemented all over the world but it's not happening. That's the saddest part of education
Implementation and follow up is not done in a systematic way.
• Mrs. Saji Thankappan UNW: Mam...I am not saying abolish marks or the existing grade system....but let's do it in a sincere manner which does good for every child. Only genuine, self respecting, sincere teacher  can bring out the best in a child. Parental counseling is very essential. Counseling for teachers too. If parents and teachers work together we can bring out a significant change in the society.
• Mrs. Saji Thankappan UNW: Evaluation and Assessment shouldn't go wrong. As I said early teachers have to be fully aware about a child....his negatives and positives. When I child has some learning disability he is  looked down upon as lazy or naughty etc etc. Every child is good in something or other. How we do the evaluation depends upon the magnamity of the teacher. If the child is evaluated in the wrong way...the assessment also goes the same way and finally hemight end up a social stigma. That's why I believe teachers should be well equipped about various differences in kids.... should be able convince  parents..( they might not agree to our views but it's a challenge )... together every child can be taken care of. A smart child doesn't need much care..just show him the right path..but the others have to be evaluated and assessed in the right way .. helping them to stand head held high in the society. I have personal experience with such kids...that's why I am so concerned. Being in the Kg I make it a point to tell my teachers to do the right evaluation and Assessment. A teacher's smartness is not in grooming up the smart ones but lending a helping hand to the so called back benchers.
• Dr. Bala: DUE TO unemployment And too much automation like AI machine learning now internet, Google eats consume lot of conventional jobs in USA even legal cases discussion with layers were reduced and went to automation software, many teachers job cut down and now driverless cars driverless Train extra were very challenging for future jobs. Only population is increases and all. Others decrees and Ed caution is not a painful accepting duty accepting responsibility become thinner. Can we discuss patient without test or exam. To prescribe a medicine or to do surgery (0ecen then medical deaths are unavoidable)
Now the Challenge is all want. To be equal. Immaterial the quality of work. And parents won't have time to see children and they think they want to control. Like a robot.
• Azeez: Differences Between Assessment and Evaluation.
The significant differences between assessment and evaluation are discussed in the points given below:
• The process of collecting, reviewing and using data, for the purpose of improvement in the current performance, is called assessment.
• A process of passing judgment, on the basis of defined criteria and evidence is called evaluation.
• Assessment is diagnostic in nature as it tends to identify areas of improvement. On the other hand, evaluation is judgemental, because it aims at providing an overall grade.
• The assessment provides feedback on performance and ways to enhance performance in future. As against this, evaluation ascertains whether the standards are met or not.
• The purpose of assessment is formative, i.e. to increase quality whereas evaluation is all about judging quality, therefore the purpose is summative.
• Assessment is concerned with process, while evaluation focuses on product.
• In an assessment, the feedback is based on observation and positive & negative points. In contrast to evaluation, in which the feedback relies on the level of quality as per set standard.
• In an assessment, the relationship between assessor and assessee is reflective, i.e. the criteria are defined internally. On the contrary, the evaluator and evaluatee share a prescriptive relationship, wherein the standards are imposed externally.
• The criteria for assessment are set by both the parties jointly. As opposed to evaluation, wherein the criteria are set by the evaluator.
• The measurement standards for assessment are absolute, which seeks to achieve the quintessential outcome. As against this, standards of measurement for evaluation are comparative, that makes a distinction between better and worse.
After reviewing the points above, it would be clear that assessment and evaluation are completely different. While evaluation involves making judgments, assessment is concerned with correcting the deficiencies in one’s performance. Although, they play a crucial role in analysing and refining the performance of a person, product, project or process.
Simply put, evaluation is a systematic and objective process of measuring or observing someone or something, with an aim of drawing conclusions, using criteria, usually governed by set standards or by making a comparison. It gauges the performance of a person, completed project, process or product, to determine its worth or significance.
The evaluation includes both quantitative and qualitative analysis of data and undertaken once in a while. It ascertains whether the standards or goals established are met or not. If they are met successfully, then it identifies the difference between actual and intended outcomes.


  1. I totally agree with Mrs Saji Thankaappan..
    Our Education system is lowering standards of Academics, killing skills, promoting corruption / malpractices and preparing tokuds to loose survival adaptions..

    All is well to listen and debate on how a system need to be - evaluation or assessments .. specially when talking about students...

    It's all and ONLY on a teacher to label a child..

    It's time that the management in particular and the government board in general should introspect their system of marking / grading to raise the values ,skills, and knowledge useful for living with co existence..

    Nine out of ten schools running today are damaging the community... running schools..which are more for COLUMN FILLING than for promoting REAL & HOLISTIC EDUCATION

    I have a bitter experience recently where the management is corrupt managing the department with bribes for marks and grades... Asking ng or commanding teachers to manipulate Scholastic records, dictate answers during tests & exams to show the answer srcipts to parents or for records......

    Fortunately, we are blessed to have quality education under OUR ABLE GUIDES - OUR MORALLY HIGH PROFILED PATENTS AND TEACHERS..who had courage to stand against the wrong or the strength the speak the truth...

    The system of Education is too different from the books of its philosophy to its practical implications...

    It's time , Educators like us demand proofs for everything that's being shown as achievement to curb malpractices in assessment or evaluations in the sector of education...

    1. I myself am a victim of Mal..practices in the education system and by Snoopy interference by political humbugs 😔😔


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