An open mind

An open mind :
An Open Mind Openness: characterized by an attitude of ready accessibility about one's actions or purposes
Receptiveness: willingness or readiness to receive - especially impressions or ideas
Once you have committed yourself to achieving your dream, you should begin to notice something rather odd starting to happen in your life: the universe actually begins to help you to achieve it.
You just need to be open-minded - that is, you need to be ready and willing to receive what the universe (you might prefer to say God) has in store for you. Some people call this principle the Law of Attraction, but whatever you call it, it is quite true that you will absolutely set in motion unseen forces which will definitely assist you with the manifestation of your dream.
People, events and circumstances will be drawn to you that will actually assist you in the achievement of your dream. You can probably only fully accept this truth when you experience it for yourself and once you have committed to your dream, you will begin to experience it. Things will start to happen. They may seem like co-incidence at first, but you are now living in an altered reality.
As an example of this principle in action, let's take a brief look at the true story of Rudy Ruettiger. You may know that Rudy had a dream. His dream - now the subject of a truly inspiring movie - was to play football (American) for Notre Dame. Everyone told him it couldn't be done. But this is how the universe helped him to achieve his dream. When he was 22 years old, a friend bought him a Notre Dame jacket for his birthday. When he presented it to Rudy, he commented, 'Rudy, you were born to wear this jacket!' These words somehow touched his heart and he resolved, there and then, to do something about it. So he took a bus en route to South Bend, Indiana, with the specific goal of meeting the Notre Dame Championship football coach, Ara Parseghian, to discuss the matter further. It turned out that Rudy needed to improve his grades prior to ever being considered for Notre Dame, which he did by attending Holly Cross Junior College. With nowhere to live, he slept in the maintenance room and after numerous applications and trials, Rudy was finally accepted by Notre Dame and eventually made the football team as a walk-on. Rudy was not really considered good enough to play for the team, but he never missed a practice match and was there, suited-up during the final game of his senior year. Now, many people in the crowd knew of Rudy's goal to play for the team and in the final minutes of the last game, the crowd started chanting: Ru-dy! Ru-dy! Ru-dy! Coach Dan Devine was so moved that he put him into the game in the last 27 seconds and, in the final play, he sacked the quarterback. Rudy was then carried off the field in triumph, on the shoulders of his team-mates. When you carry your own dream within, you too will be able to touch the hearts and minds of the people around you in much the same way and it is a truly wonderful and uplifting experience when you find out for yourself that the universe does indeed help you to achieve your goal.


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