Unconditional love

Unconditional love
In our society there prevails paradoxical situation; we don’t know how to stay in euphoria forever.
As adults we fail to realise that most of the time we superimpose our feelings, our likings on our children. 
We want them to accept our perception of success and failure. Contrary to it, we also want them to act maturely. Parents feel satisfied when their children act as obedient servants.
Aren’t we hampering their creativity? How come then we can expect our child to grow up as an innovative dynamic independent leader? We adults are over judgmental and impatient.
In our social circle when we learn about the achievements of our colleagues children we feel envy. We immediately determine to make our kids follow the same course. Why can’t we accept them the way they are? Why can’t we celebrate their every small achievement? Teach them to innovate, involve, engage, commit mistakes, and make them confident to be honest what may come. If we run down our memory lane, do all of us had many accolades? Were we celebrities during our childhood? If yes, then genetically they will also become icons and if no then chill why to pressurise them?
It is not necessary that our children should be a superstar or a person of international acclaim; rather it is vital that they lead respectable and happy life. Accept the kids unconditionally, only then the family relationships will get cemented. 


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