Owning our light

Owning Our Light
Fear, shame and guilt are predictable companions to Depression and Anxiety, as are hopelessness, helplessness and worthlessness. That’s how Depression and Anxiety work. ‘I am not good enough’, ‘I am not worthy’, ‘I do not belong’ become the incessant chants in our brains. It is declared with such conviction that it is no surprise that we start believing them.
Darkness is a typical metaphor used for Depression—dark clouds, dark shadow, darkness within, surrounded by darkness, thick fog. Hope is always seen as light—ray of hope, light at the end of the dark tunnel, light in the sea of darkness. We keep waiting for that light to come and dispel the darkness and despair.
In this blog , we will explore how rather than waiting for the light, we can connect and own the light that is there in each one of us. Owning our light is about mining (what I call the art of panning for gold) our buried strengths, resources, skills, abilities that help us carry on from day-to-day. It is about recognising that standing up to dementors or finding light in thick darkness requires an immense amount of courage. It is about looking for exceptions when we manage to find joy, meaning and worthiness against all odds.
It is about losing our way and then having the gumption to find our way back again. More than anything, it is about not getting stuck in the whirlpool of blaming, self-pity, condemning, criticising and complaining. Knowing that struggles and darkness are essential parts of this journey and the only way we can move forward is if we reconnect to our own light.


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