Importance of ethics to life

Importance of ethics to life:
Ethics should be considered as a set of principles by which to live; a code of conduct for our relationships with all whom we come in contact.
Ethics encompasses social mores, usually expressed today as good manners; our behaviour towards our fellow humans and fellow creatures; and trust.
Without ethical behavior in particular, one cannot relate in a reasonable way to yourself nor to others.
The world operates on trust. Trust is a belief that others will act in accordance with ill defined, but generally accepted standards of behaviour and respect for others. 
To differentiate good from bad.
To have good instincts or bad instincts.
To behave like a human or animal
To be trustworthy or unworthy to believe
To be moral or immoral
To be accepted or ignored
To be generous or cruel
To be genuine or two-faced
To be liked or hatred.
Just like humanity, ethical situations are evolving. 
Without ethical behavior in particular, one cannot relate in a reasonable way to yourself nor to others.
If we truly want “civilized”, sustainable societies, if we want real peace, first we would need to learn how to practically, through positive motivation, willingly apply “inner” corrections, instilling “inner” ethical codes, by refining, upgrading our human nature, creating peace within man.
Talking very personally, I would say that ethics make an important part of one personality. If people stop practicing or adopting ethics in their lives, the whole structure of the society or the global setup will go for a toss.


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