Crack the exam depression

Crack the exam depression
Meditation : Five minutes of meditation right before you start your studies will not only fight depression but will also help you to concentrate better.
Desserts: Treat yourself with desserts sweetness always help to fight stress and depression.
Sleep:Getting insufficient  sleep during exams can be a problem but Make sure you do get proper sleep.  It will give your mind and body a rest getting rid of depression.
Exercise : If you manage to pinch out 15 minutes to do some exercise would be great. Exercising will help the dispersion of blood all over the body and help you regain focus.
Music: One way to release stress and anxiety is to listen to music.  Music that is calm and peaceful. It has proven that music is the one of the best things to fight depression.
Payche your mind: physhe your mind in better ways. Dont ever think that you cant do it.  If ever, this thought crosses your mind, study for a little longer that day. It will make you feel better and will make you realize that you are trying and trying is enough.
Dont over think about exams and study pattern and what so ever.  Think straight. Find correct exam syllabus and study according to it.
Take Advice: If you feel stressed and tired and think you cant do it any more, dont suffer alone go and talk to someone who can help you. Take advice from elders, teachers or parents


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