
Showing posts from December, 2018

The Impact and Importance of positive student - teacher relationship.

The Impact and Importance of positive student - teacher relationship. The relationship between student and teacher plays a vital role in the trajectories of a child's academic success and social development. Establishing a positive relationship with their teacher helps a student feel more comfortable and safe in their classroom environments. As a result of this students are more likely to participate actively in class and challenge themselves academically. The student/ teacher relationship is a cornerstone in a students social maturation process.  Positive teacher - student relationships promote a sense of school belonging and encourage students to participate co - operatively. The effects of teacher - student relationships have been researched extensively and points to how positive relationships can have good social and academic outcomes. The quality of early teacher - student relationships has a long lasting impact. How to develop positive relationships with our st


BUILD A SAFE SCHOOL CULTURE!!! Here are eight ways for improving school safety culture around. 1. Build strong relationships Your success at creating a well-managed school depends more than anything else on the quality of the relationships that teachers forge with students. Staff-student relationships influence everything—from the social climate to the individual performances of your students. The research on this is clear. When students feel liked and respected by their teachers, they find more success in school, academically and behaviorally.  Conversely, when interpersonal relationships are weak and trust is lacking, fear and failure will likely start to define school culture. Building strong relationships needs to be a whole school priority. How do you do it? Teachers need to have time to talk to their students in and out of the classroom. The goal should be for every adult in the building to maintain a high rate of positive interactions with students and to show genuine

Crack the exam depression

Crack the exam depression Meditation : Five minutes of meditation right before you start your studies will not only fight depression but will also help you to concentrate better. Desserts: Treat yourself with desserts sweetness always help to fight stress and depression. Sleep:Getting insufficient  sleep during exams can be a problem but Make sure you do get proper sleep.  It will give your mind and body a rest getting rid of depression. Exercise : If you manage to pinch out 15 minutes to do some exercise would be great. Exercising will help the dispersion of blood all over the body and help you regain focus. Music: One way to release stress and anxiety is to listen to music.  Music that is calm and peaceful. It has proven that music is the one of the best things to fight depression. Payche your mind: physhe your mind in better ways. Dont ever think that you cant do it.  If ever, this thought crosses your mind, study for a little longer that day. It will make you feel


NUTRITION FOR PRIMARY SCHOOL CHILDREN Maintaining a balanced diet and regular exercise is important for all individuals, especially school-aged children (6-12 years). These children are required to eat a variety of foods from each food group to ensure optimal intake of all vitamins and minerals. At the same time, they may face new challenges regarding food choices and habits. Decisions about what to eat are partly determined by what is provided in school, at home, the influences from friends at school, and the media, especially television. Poor nutrition compromises both the quality of life of school-aged children but also their potential to benefit from education. Attaining optimal nutrition involves eating three meals a day and two nutritious snacks, as well as limiting the intake of high sugar and high fat foods. Consuming generous amounts of fruits, vegetables, lean meats and low fat dairy products, including three servings of milk, cheese or yoghurt to meet their calcium r

Vedic Mathematics


Classroom management

CLASS ROOM MANAGEMENT Classroom management is a process that allows teachers to control the learning and direction of their classroom. Teachers use classroom management to keep students focused on learning while preventing disruption from slowing the learning process. A wide range of classroom management techniques are used by teachers, ranging from hands-off classroom management focused on cooperation to direction of the class to ensure students aren’t disruptive to their peers. Since classroom management keeps classes on track and prevent disruptions from slowing down the learning process, it’s one of the most fundamental aspects of high quality education. Effective Classroom Management is: 1.Show students that it pays to behave. At the end of tough classes, I'd daily give out two raffle tickets -- one for academic effort and one for good behavior. After writing their names on the tickets, kids dropped them in a jar. On Friday, I randomly drew two student names -- b


As we all know hyperactive is often a symptom of another underlying cause such as varying method diseases and medical says  one of the main disorders associated with hyperactivity is “ Attention Deficit Hyper Activity Disorder” that is ADHD. Kids with ADHD often require a slight different approach to discipline. They have trouble sitting still, completing tasks, managing impulses and following directions. A few simple changes in our parenting strategies give your child the tools he/ she needs to manage his behavior more effectively. PROVIDING POSITIVE ATTENTION : Providing a child with ADHD positive attention is a good investment. Positive play time reduces attention – seeking behavior. And it will make your consequences more effective. No matter how difficult your child’s behavior has been set aside one on one time with your child every day. Giving your child just 15 minutes of positive attention is one of the simplest yet most effective ways to reduce behavior problems.

What you need for successful learning

Intelligence isn’t as important as you think While differences in IQ explain some of the differences in academic success, personality factors such as conscientiousness, curiosity, and humility, account for a similar degree of academic differences. Our society gives a lot of weight to intelligence. Academics may have been arguing for a hundred years over what, exactly, intelligence is, but ‘everyone knows’ what it means to be smart, and who is smart and who is not — right?  Of course, it’s not that simple, and the ins and outs of academic research have much to teach us about the nature of intelligence and its importance, even if they still haven’t got it all totally sorted yet. Today I want to talk about one particular aspect: how important intelligence is in academic success. First of all, to simplify the discussion, let’s start by pretending that intelligence equals “g” and is measured by IQ testing. What's “g”? It stands for “general factor”, and reflects the shared

Leadership styles

Fabuloys Five leadership styles. Identifying how you lead can help you more effectively run your institution better. Which of the following leadership styles sounds most like you? 1. Participative Also known as democratic leadership, the participative leadership style focuses on culling opinions from all employees in order to make a decision that reflects the majority’s opinion and desires. While the leader offers guidance and support, the decisions are primarily consensual among all involved, and the leader makes final decisions based on the majority’s vote. The participative leadership style is particularly useful if the leader wishes to encourage participation and agreement among employees. This democratic method does not work well, however, if the leader must make a quick decision. 2. Authoritarian Authoritative leaders inform employees of a common vision and goal for the company and detail employee responsibilities designed to make reaching that goal a reality. T


Multiple Intelligence Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligence. Imagine that your teacher has assigned you to read a novel and then develop a project of your choice based on the book. One student immediately decides to draw a comic strip depiction of several different scenes from the novel. Another student in the class decides to compose a brief musical interpretation of the book, while yet another student opts to write a creative essay from the point of view of one of the characters in the story. The tendency to choose such widely varied projects based on the same novel can understood by looking at each student's individual strengths. Students who are good with visual information often prefer to work with visual imagery, such as drawing a scene or image. Students who are strong with tone or rhythm might prefer to do a project that incorporates music, while students who are good with words might prefer to write about their thoughts and ideas. Psychologist Howard

Disciplined leader

Becoming a disciplined leader When you think of becoming a disciplined leader, what do you think about? Do you think about the effort and energy it takes to become disciplined? Do you think about changing your thoughts and actions? Or do you think about changing your choices to become a disciplined leader? The reality of discipline is that it does take energy and effort. To be disciplined means you will have to think more and do things differently. Discipline also takes change. You can’t keep doing the same things you had done in the past. Those were undisciplined actions. You want to become disciplined. To become a disciplined leader, you have to begin changing the choices you make. Being a disciplined leader is a choice. A constant choice Boiling everything down, you see that a disciplined leader knows how to make wise choices. They know how to make choices they don’t want to make. Those choices aren’t because they’re bad choices. In fact, the choices a disciplined l

Build a track record  

Build a track record    It’s not what we do that makes us tired—it’s what we don’t do. The tasks we don’t complete cause the most fatigue. I was giving a motivational seminar in an institution, and during one of the breaks, a man who looked to be in his 60s came up to me. “My problem,” he said, “is that I never seem to finish anything. I’m always starting things—this project and that, but I never finish. I’m always off on to something else before anything is completed.” He then asked whether I could give him some affirmations that might alter his belief system. He correctly saw the problem as being one of belief. Because he did not believe he was a good finisher, he did not finish anything. So he wanted a magical word or phrase to repeat to himself that would brainwash him into being different.  “Do you think affirmations are what you need?” I asked him. “If you had to learn how to use a computer, could you do it by sitting on your bed and repeating the affirmation, ‘I know h

Self motivation

Self - Motivation "When I am happy, I see the happiness in others. When I am compassionate, I see the compassion in other people. When I am full of energy and hope, I see opportunities all around me. But when I am angry, I see other people as unnecessarily testy. When I am depressed, I notice that people’s eyes look sad. When I am weary, I see the world as boring and unattractive. Who I am is what I see! If I drive into town, and complain, “What a crowded, smog-ridden mess this place is!” I am really expressing what a crowded, smog-ridden mess I am at that moment. If I had been feeling motivated that day, and full of hope and happiness, I could just as easily have said, while driving into Mumbai,“Wow, what a thriving, energetic metropolis this is!” Again, I would have been describing my inner landscape, not Mumbai 's. Our self-motivation suffers most from how we choose to see the circumstances in our lives. That’s because we don’t see things as they are, we see thin

Perfection or Excellence ?

Perfection or Excellence ? J R D Tata once said that if you aim at perfection, you may achieve excellence. Did you note that he didn’t say you will? Rather, he said you may. It is important that you aim at perfection, but that doesn’t necessarily guarantee that you will achieve excellence. Excellence is something beyond perfection. Excellence, like goodness or beauty or love can only be felt. It cannot be quantified, it can only be appreciated. Does that mean that excellence is beyond mortal means to achieve? Not so . We cannot be gods but we can hope and try to be god like. Man has to reach out beyond his capacity into the great and that is unknown to all and seek to find that which is hard to find. For the joy is not in the finding but in the searching, in the seeking and not in the achievement. Achievement may come as a by-product and one must be ready to accept it. But, failure need not and should not deter us. For the essence of life is in the search of unkown and the hid

Tips for Managing Your Team Effectively

Tips for Managing Your Team Effectively The role of a manager isn’t always smooth sailing. Whereas at the beginning of your career it’s likely that you were purely responsible for your work alone, it’s is now your duty to inspire, lead and motivate your team to accomplish a set of goals for the organization. Not everyone is going to be easy to work with and ensuring everything is running without a hitch can often prove a challenge. So how can you go about being a great manager who displays authority and leadership, at the same time as maintaining respect from their peers? Here are a few of our top tips for effective management. 1) Maintain good communication Employees want to be kept in the loop about ongoing projects, goals, and deadlines, so it’s essential that you communicate well with them and inform them about goings-on within the organization. It’s also essential that you encourage feedback and that your staff feel that they can approach you with any questions or