The important purpose of mock teaching  are:

Applicable to all the Teachers to build in them a new confidence.

Weekend days, you as a leader of your school to have a mock teaching practices.

One teacher in a weak basis. All other teachers are now Students. At the end of the practise, we can give them a feed back.

30 teachers in a school, will have such an opportunity yearly twice. It takes only half an hour just after school hour. It is a kind of get together too.

May not be world class teaching. But the practice which is befitted to our school environment. 

Principals can be free from classroom observations as he/s is observing every teacher.


Weekend days you can have a presentation on anything related to Education.

It provides:

• An opportunity to gain confidence.

• Chance to put theories into practice.

• An opportunity to learn the skills and attitudes of a competent and affective teacher.

• The chance to learn about children in real life.

• An opportunity to improve the knowledge of subject mater.

• The chance to gain from the benefits of constructive criticism.

• An opportunity for self-evaluation and to discover strengths and weaknesses.

• An opportunity for the teaching institutions to evaluate itself.


The mock-up lesson allows team members to notice how the lesson feels from a student’s point of view.  

Team members can be assigned to produce each anticipated type of student thinking, so that the instructor can rehearse the specific questions that will be asked.  

Team members can also jot down whatever they noticed as “students”–for example, ambiguous questions, the difficulty of writing legibly while seated on the rug, the need for more partner chats, or the disconnect between their idea and the lesson summary.

Some key considerations in shaping good teaching practice include:

▪️ Encouraging good communication between teachers and learners

▪️Encouraging interaction among learners

▪️Providing opportunities for active participation

▪️Timely and appropriate response and feedback

▪️Emphasising time on task

▪️Motivating learning by communicating expectations

▪️Respecting diverse talents and ways of learning.

Likewise the school can shape a teacher's teaching methods according to its campus culture.

Role of the group leader/Principal in mock up classroom:

▪️recognise the diversity of teaching styles utilised 

▪️promote discussion on teaching and student learning outcomes.
▪️showcase a variety of teaching styles, practices and classroom spaces.
▪️provide staff with an opportunity to observe teaching in a classroom other than their own.

A student teacher should have a thought in mind: (advice).

• Be prepared to adapt

No two students are the same. No two students require the same teaching technique. You need to be prepared to adapt on the fly to your student and their needs. 

• Have a professional background

It is very important to have a professional background that has an educational focus.

• Timing

You need to practice timing. When you are practicing, give yourself time to correct your student. And then practice over and over again. 

• Objectives.

Mock classroom dynamics: How to use

While implementing our mock presentation, it was important that we considered how to get the class active and engaged.  

We have to use a mix of verbal/nonverbal techniques, as well as the incorporation of technology into our lesson in order to do so.

 It is essential that when putting together a lesson you use a variety of techniques, ensuring that you are catering to all the children.  

Putting together this lesson and mocking it for the class has increased our confidence and made us more comfortable.

And finally use correct tools.

You are given enough time of a week

It is informed you to get prepared for it a week before.

Follow the roaster made by the leader and displayed in the staff roam for a term or one year

With future generations, technology is just going to become more advanced which means we have to be up-to-date and be aware of how technology engages students. 

Today’s teachers have to learn to communicate in the language and style of their students” 

But from where?
From interaction of this kind please.


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