Recognizing Emotions

Recognizing Emotions
Scientists have generally concluded that there are six basic and distinct emotions. These are fear, disgust, anger, surprise, sadness, and happiness. When it comes to non-verbal emotions, it is somewhat possible to recognize unique facial expressions linked to any one of the basic emotions. It is important to note that these emotions are not taught or learned – they just manifest the same way in people regardless of the culture they grew up in. Even blind people, display the same facial emotions as people with sight! So is it possible to control your emotions and how you express them, and if so, to what extent? The truth is that some emotions and expressions are more easily controlled than others. For example, you may find it easy to control your body movements and gestures, but it is very difficult to maintain a high level of control over your pulse rate or dilated pupils. Research has even shown that we tend to leak emotions when stressed, through leg movements and gestures. The tone of voice also gives away a person’s emotional state. This allows you to decode sounds that others make. Body posture, eye gaze patterns, and spatial behavior are also clues into a person’s emotional state. In general, it is believed that non-verbal cues provide the best way to judge a person’s emotions since they are more difficult to fake.
Emotional Intelligence:
Emotional intelligence is one of the major aspects that determine how you relate to the people around you. Everyone is emotionally intelligent in his or her own way, but some people seem to have a higher level than others. The level of your emotional intelligence can be represented by a score on a standardized test and is referred to as Emotional Quotient (EQ). Your EQ can be improved if you use some methods that have been designed to improve emotional intelligence.
One of the most holistic ways to define emotional intelligence is: “The capacity to perceive, access, and generate emotions in order to think clearer, understand emotional knowledge, and regulate emotions in a way that enhances intellectual and emotional growth.” This definition takes into account the concept that your emotions should lead to intelligent thinking, and you should also think intelligently about your emotions. It is clear that there is no separating intelligence and emotion.
Emotional intelligence enables you to make better decisions based on what you are feeling under a given situation. It also helps to connect to others in ways that show that you care about them and the way they feel. Having a high EQ enables you to identify and control your emotions in a positive way, thus enhancing effective communication. A person with a greater EQ is able to cope with the daily stresses and struggles of life, and neutralize any potential conflicts, even as they continually empathize with others around them.


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