Positives in negatives

A young woman was sitting at her dining table, worried about taxes to be paid, house-work to be done and to top it all, her extended family was coming over for festival lunch the next day. She was not feeling very thankful at that time.
As she turned her gaze sideways, she noticed her young daughter scribbling furiously into her notebook.
“My teacher asked us to write a paragraph on “Negative Thanks giving” for homework today.”
said the daughter.
“She asked us to write down things that we are thankful for, things that make us feel not so good in the beginning, but turn out to be good after all.”
With curiosity, the mother peeked into the book. This is what her daughter wrote:
“I’m thankful for Final Exams, because that means school is almost over.
I’m thankful for bad-tasting medicine, because it helps me feel better.
I’m thankful for waking up to alarm clocks, because it means I’m still alive.”
It then dawned on the mother, that she had a lot of things to be thankful for!
She thought again…
She had to pay taxes but that meant she was fortunate to be employed.
She had house-work to do but that meant she had a shelter to live in.
She had to cook for her many family members for lunch but that meant she had a family with whom she could celebrate.
We generally complain about the negative things in life but we fail to look at the positive side of it.
What is the positive in your negatives? Look at the better part of life today and make ur everyday a great day.


  1. Dear Mam
    Well said ! After every night there is a day ! Every difficult situation teaches us a new lesson that we understand at a later on stage.

    Hardeep Kaur Rao


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