How do politics intervene in education system in India

Resource person: Mrs. ANNAPOORNI BALAN, Principal.
With Mr. Azeez, Mr. S C Vohra, Mr. Alok Mohanty, Mr. Anil kurup, Mrs. Nergis, Mr. Chandan Kumar, Mrs. Geeta, Mr. Ravi Mathur,Mr.  Biju chacko and Mrs Gayathri for POOMA EDUCATIONAL TRUST.
Those things which are spoiling the growth of  any system, 1. Politics 2. Polytricks.Both are causing insecurity and caused by insecurity. Political interference does not mean party, election, the policy makers of our Educational system. Whether the policies are made by private or government or semi Government or autonomous or self finance in small or big scales go selfishness first. Individual's selfish reasons, politics among staffs in a school system affects the entire system of Education of our country. As it is told, future of our country lies in a classroom, We should also say future of our Educational system lies in the staff rooms of Schools. Gossip gets the first place from where every thing begins.
It's often observed that political interference in school education and colleges have become more prominent in today's world. According to the report of the education committee, 'political intervention from all levels is all pervasive in selecting location of institutions, approval of grant - in-status selections of examination centre's and in all senior appointments and in many states from VC to college Principals to district Edu. Officers.
Actually, politics is a neutral word; it is very much needed. It has a wide range--from  politics of justice and fairness to politics of hatred, opportunism and indifference. Every educational policy of a government is a political decision.  State education at all levels is financed and controlled by Government. Politics is in definitely, as Minister of Education is a member of a ruling party. Education is one of the main promises in terms of its improvement, modernisation, better finance, ..., improvement of educational strategies at all levels. Yes politics is mayor influencer, doing  very bad things. Accreditation bodies are named by Government, which makes a lot of chances for corruption in education, especially in Higher Education. I particularly refer to political interference in working of educational institutions, especially of higher education. In the interest of creativity, freedom and dignity of discourse, there should not be political interference. Otherwise, it will merely lead to compliance and opportunistic elements will be happy; and  no creativity. But that would also mean responsible academic administration. For this, there is a need for sagacious academic leadership in universities. Government should honestly appoint the VCs and other heads on the basis of caliber and competence, and not political convenience. It is undeniable that there is large scale corruption in appointments, transfers, approval to affiliate and grant recognition of institutions, admission in school with their recommendations even to the extent of Manipulation of exam results. Because of this political interference, the education sector in India  certainly  retards the academic growth of academic institutions, especially universities and higher institutions of learning, whose main objective should be the creation and dissemination of knowledge and not just to prepare students to get through the exams. But if more political interference occurs in this field it is bound to be a sure shot loss for our students community only.
And indirectly even the teachers community also will be affected. But one thing is clear, more 60% institutions are directly or indirectly owned by politicians or their family. We may need political interference and also intervention to bring change in a bigger world. It would make sense whom we make as our leaders. We have to educate our students especially in universities to come forward to bring in that change. This is a better way rather than just avoiding politics. Due to political interference, curriculum or system should not be altered as per their benefit like some chapters removed, added to make their vote bank but alteration should be with prospect of students growth. We are educating students fir their future not making politicians. But how many are religiously following it. This could be also regulated if we make our own youngsters as future leaders who will make laws and govern the world in a better way. As a educationists and a 31st century Mom I should be motivating my own children and not only my students if I believe in change is needed. Why politics is seen only in the negative image. If we are truly educating we should be seeing this without bringing in our perspective and let pur students see good things in it.
Has politics affected our education system?. Since independence, our education system has gone through a number of significant changes, some of which according to my opinion were necessary and some were not. As we obtained independence, it was necessary to make some changes from the colonial education system to fit our political and economic orientation. The Education for Self Reliance (ESR) policy booklet published in March 1967, argues that the policy aimed at re-defining the purpose of education.  It aimed at eliminating colonial education system which aimed at inculcating colonial attitudes of human inequality and domination of the weak by the strong. The ESR policies therefore, aimed at changing the elitist education system and therefore enable a wider part of the society access education. Moreover, to inculcate in people the sense of valuing work as an integral part of education. This paradigm shift from colonial education to our own system of education seems to have strong justification. However, there are a number of political decisions which were made during the implementation of ESR which had significant impact on our education system. For example, mass recruitment of teachers under the Universal Primary Education (UPE) programme. In the name of shortage of teachers, Standard Seven leavers were recruited and given short training including distance learning or out of college to obtain basic skills and thereafter were allocated to primary schools all over the country especially in rural areas....Academicians have to rise above politics and implement political decisions also in a manner that education does not suffer. It’s true beyond any shadow of doubt that there is a lot of scope for sports in politics but no scope for politics in sports and education. But this has been happening for decades without any reaction or action from educationists and educational administrators or principals  parent bodies or teachers training colleges or any other other party. In fact , it has never bothered us. In all discussions “should “ factor never changes to “can” or “could “. If this issue is raised the prompt reply is “ we can’t change the Govt or education system'. Then why waste our time and energy.
As long as there’s democratic system, we have to remain mute witnesses or come out with an alternate system to stem the rot and start a revolution from a common platform. In a system where a middle pass person can become an education minister but not a teacher , its just crying in wilderness. Someone put forward the view that we create bureaucrats. We don’t create unscrupulous bureaucrats society and the system does. They are arm twisted to follow the dictats of politicians or face the music. The fact is right now we don’t have either any alternative educational system or the will to get it enforced. We are all paper tigers promoting our own interests. Even in this group we are not free from this.
We need a separate discussion on why educators do not speak! Why we allow politics to overwhelm our domains. Why are we more inclined towards the love for the lucre rather than the love for educating the child. Why we gang up against each other and do not ever think of supporting the right practices. The degardation of the standards is at a high. We are empowered to check it. And turn it around. We should work towards it.
Is it possible to bring all educationists and other stake holders to bring under one umbrella and at least start the churning process? Lokpal bill movement died a tragic death. Some took political advantage of it. When we have become corrupt to the core , all talks and discussions will remain academic debates only confined to the cozy comforts of good venues. Despite clear cut instructions some group members insert their self promotional ads and later on apologise on being reprimanded but they know their purpose has been fulfilled. With such members we can’t do or achieve anything worthwhile. If it’s a time killing device, very good.In ancient days it was education which was guiding the politics monarchy , oligarchy , democracy to discriminate between dharmic and adharmic path. But the Indian political discourse after independence never cared truly to educate Indians in the true spirit of Indian genius. The frame of reference still copies the industrial model, Macaulay's ideas and looks down upon the traditional knowledge with disdain. Any debate in the national level hardly involves educators. Why can't educators and local stakeholders together frame policies in the local level keeping the link with national and international level? Yes. This is needed. Inter and intra relationship between the Educators. How do we see and address the petty politics among the staff members in a school? What we see in a miniature form in a school notice same in a mega scale in the nation context. Vested interest group always appears to be vocal. Neutrality perhaps no more an option. We, as educationist, work hard day and night to give our students, the very best but there are certain hurdles that we can't overcome in our day today happenings in our institutions. But many political influences are vibrant and interfere in the functioning of the school. In such scenario, the most deserving, efficient, honest and meritorious officers are ignored and undeserving candidates are given the key posts which adversely affects the quality of education.
What is going on we have to take responsibility for it. If something is happening and we do not approve of it then why don't we take a stand? Why educators are a silent mass? If we don't show our mettle how can we educate or what do we educate? Therefore we are in need to educate our youngsters POLITICS. Teaching Political science is not teaching POLITICS. Politics is different and Political science is different. It should from secondary school level. In India I have seen their are very few who takes an initiative but majority neither satisfy with process, nor take initiative for change but express their dissatisfaction everywhere. Educate to take responsibility and initiative is very important. That automatically give you knowledge of politics. One Sheshan, one Gill , one Ribeiro can fight the political system and restore our faith in democracy, we all can do a lot. If unanimity and will power is there , we can do a lot Together we can is not just a cliche. Now I request all to give their suggestions to make an umbrella body of all educators and right thinking people for the sake of the nation. True. But it has to happen as chanakya did with Chandragupta. In school  level let students see that  we dare to take a stand for what is Right not for who is right. Then naturally they will learn politics in a living way from life not only from books.
If we fight for our rights with conviction and self pride .for the betterment of the student community then every person involved in education field will wake up. The nonsense of political interference 8n any form should be rejected outright. Till today we did not have a right and correct education minister be it in the centre or state. The polticians of today are playing petty politics at the cost of education.
All agreed but what to do now and how ? For this, school should initiate to educate their students with their own without hampering regular academic process via various extra curricular activities like conduct seminars etc. Now is the time to wake up and show these so called politician the way forward. But way of silent revolution wherein todays parents and teachers are effective partners of progress. Where professionalism needs to be introduced at every level. Private insitutions however big and powerful should be br9ught to task. Politician should be made accountable be it at the centre or state. They should be forbidden from setting up fraudulent institutions.
Now let us see how POLITICS involved in STUDENTS life. Students should never get involved with political issues. And they should not be given more importance when they r still in school and college. And many political influences work along with management for admissions and other work that's connected with schools. Now a days election in colleges are funded by political party. Once you start involving the political parties, you can not come out. And how to find out a solution all such problems. Please tell them to away from them. Your general problems can be solved even without their involvement.
Politics was an important part of students life during our school n college life.. It played a vital role to know our rights, way of election, school parliament set up, stand for students rights etc etc. Do you think that prior to 90's, no one was aware of their rights. In 90 s, The way we were taught , we were aware. The political parties had made a tool n they are freely using. It was a part.
Generally our education is supposed to be excellent, with the approval of UNESCO, but in reality our students did not perform well in PISA tests of reading, math and scientific literacy (2012, 2015).  Perhaps educators should have more say about the education system, do you agree?. We should explore them, explain create a leaders for our country. Most of the corrupted bureaucrates are our students only. Why they became like this? They were not taught POLITICS at their school level. Teaching POLITICS is different from Political science. extra or super curricular activitity. Political science....a subject. Politics is for all students. They can be given training in mock demonstrations.
But political influences should not be encouraged in the educational sector. But many don't know what's the constitution is for. And why it has been formed. We, as educationist have to inculcate this habit into the students to know and understand about constitution. Many don't know what does a preamble consist of. That's the status of today's education in schools.  It's good to have mature students with strong political background, understand what is going around them and can discuss, analyze, and  contribute to the political events. form this perspective Political has a positive influence, and participate to build the accumulated students' knowledge.  On the other hand, Political intervention in high education system through parties, policies, funds etc. leads to some negative sides that affect the quality of accepted students, selected staff and academics and therefore the quality of the final output (graduates and research). What we are seeing in India’s education is nothing less than a live spectacle of cultural decline, where the country has little capacity to meet the demands for education, where the quality of teaching in schools is compromised and where the political instinct for control undermines the autonomy of universities in general. This has implications for India’s great power ambitions and internal stability. With 65% of the population under 35 years, 290 million students in schools and universities and large sections of the middle class incurring student debt, the lack of quality education in India’s public institutions will prove to be a severe political problem for governments in the future.
Political interference also means education regulators like the University Grants Commission are unable to enforce norms and standards (and often make matters worse by introducing unreasonable metrics to judge academic performance). Meanwhile, the demand for education has led to the mushrooming of private higher educational institutions across the country.  Nearly 60% of students are enrolled in private institutions, many of which “operate under political patronage and take advantage of a lax or corrupt regulatory environment to run courses and offer ‘degrees’ which are of little use in the employment market”. A majority of Indian students are thus likely to go through education encountering indifferent teachers at school, badly-run public universities or unscrupulous private educators.  Barring a small minority that has access to good education, millions unsurprisingly enter the job market without requisite skills. Business federations have said only 20% of India’s engineering graduates are employable.
Colleges are clearly unable to make up for the failures of schools and as a result, the country’s research base and capacities are not enhanced. Academics, meanwhile, neither get the recognition nor the pay that their counterparts in the West do and they have to cope with difficult university bureaucracies in addition. All this makes it challenging to retain academic talent. In more concept the political interference can be seen  that's the caste of the system ppl who are in reserve section are the benefactors and those who do not belong to any caste of high or low, common caste or class they r left in their own world. That's the middle class ppl and those who do not belong the caste diversity. That's the plight of India today.
Atleast at the senior secondary level, the STUDENTS must be taught politics through some mock demos such as Mock parliament, Debate on budget, Mock polls in choosing class and school pupil leaders, Importance of voting, Election seasonal awareness, Student interviewing political leaders and interact with him (mock). Even though we have secured independence long back in 1947,but still we are still in the developing stage not yet developed. But every one should be included. Even the parent community should be taught.  Due to corruption. They r the main culprit in whatever is happening in one students life. They brainwash them nicely. Special tool should be developed to eradicate corruption. But why corruption got evolved?. We human beings only brought it isn't it? We are cause for all this. Bribery. Injustice. Inequality. All r still sustaining in our society even today. That's the pity state of our country and society. Yes, it should be? Again the question is who will implement on it and follow it.
In conclusion, I would like to share with you all only this message, that we as humans, educationist have a double role to play to implement and inculcate this value that equality should be maintained, national integration should be followed wherever they go and there should be no favoritism, where students are concerned.Education is the back bone every individual. Value education should be given more importance in the curriculum so that students are taught right from the tender age about values and how they should respect and not demoralize it.


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