
Showing posts from May, 2023

Characteristics of Good Learning Outcomes [LO]

Discussion topic: Characteristics of Good Learning Outcomes [LO] Key points: ( Please cover the following areas) 1. What are Learning Outcomes? 2. Examples of Learning Outcomes 3. Why Develop Learning Outcomes? 4. Tools for Developing Learning Outcomes. 🍁 What are learning outcomes? Learning  outcomes {LOC} are statements that describe the knowledgeொ or skills students should acquire by the end of a particular assignment, class, course, or program.    LOC help students: • Understand why that knowledge and those skills will be useful to them. • Focus on the context and potential applications of knowledge and skills. • Connect learning in various contexts • Help guide assessment and evaluation. Good learning outcomes emphasize the application and integration of knowledge. Instead of focusing on coverage of material, learning outcomes articulate how students will be able to employ the material, both in the context of the class and more broadly. Consider using approximately five to ten le